Membership subscription system

In accordance with Statute Czech Assotiation Treasury (Assotiation) at the regular General meeting of the Association on January 13, 2023, the document valid from the original conditions of December 10, 2002 was updated and passed this resolution :

§ I

  1. Membership Subscription for one representant of groups member (further Subscription) for one calendar year is 6.000 CZK
  2. Membership Subscription for individual member (further Subscription) for one calendar year is 3.000 CZK
  3. 50 % Subscription according to the § I a), if Prezidium decided about origin membership after 30.6.

§ II

Group CAT member remit Subscription in multiplication of basic Subscription according to the § I.a) and number of representants.


In case of extend representants Group CAT member will occure from the decision Prezidium after 30.6., remit for that representant(s) 50 % basic Subscription according to the § I.a).

§ IV

Honorary member has no obligation to pay Subscription.

§ V

Subscription is payable to 31. January of calendar year.

§ VI

In case of ending membership, Subscription for corresponding year is not paid back.

This resotution is valid from 1.1.2024